Children’s Health Council Panel Event
Moderated by Rosalie Whitlock, PhD
The Children’s Health Council (CHC) and Common Ground are joining forces to discuss learning and attention differences plus anxiety and depression. Seasoned experts from CHC will be on hand for this interactive conversation surrounding learning challenges, including ADHD, dyslexia, anxiety and depression—and the intersection of these. As a parent, how do you know when to seek help or not? Is it an actual problem, or just an outcome of a temporary situation? The panel will be moderated by Rosalie Whitlock, PhD, Executive Director of CHC. Panelists include Vivien Keil, PhD, Clinical Director and Neuropsychologist at CHC, Chris Harris, MEd, Chief Schools Officer at CHC and Vidya Krishnan, MD, Head of Adolescent Mental Health Services and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at CHC.
Dr. Rosalie Whitlock is a tireless advocate for kids and families. She is the transformational Executive Director of Children’s Health Council (CHC), Palo Alto based nonprofit organization that provides education and clinical services for children, teens and young adults with attention and learning differences and the anxiety and depression that often accompany them. Led by Dr. Whitlock, CHC employs innovative and collaborative practices to reduce stigma around these conditions and assure that all kids, teens and young adults have a chance to reach their full promise and potential. Dr. Whitlock has served on the International Dyslexia Association’s board, co-founded Parents Education Network (PEN) in San Francisco and was Head of Charles Armstrong School in Belmont, California. CHC provides direct education and clinical assistance to families and provides a robust community education and engagement program.