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Carl Honoré


Parenting in a Fast-Paced World


Common Ground is delighted to welcome Carl Honoré, a global guru of the fast-growing Slow Movement, to our stage from London. This award-winning author, broadcaster and TED speaker travels the world teaching individuals and organizations that the best way to power forward in today’s hypercompetitive, hurry-hurry world is often the radical act of willful deceleration. Honoré’s influential works include In Praise of Slowness, The Slow Fix, and Under Pressure. Host of the podcast, “The Slow Revolution,” his TED talk on the benefits of resisting today’s cult of speed has been viewed by more than 2.5 million people. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a warm, insightful and often humorous speaker on ways to align your family’s clock, creating homes of greater joy, productivity, creativity and health.

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